Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More Futbol

A couple weekends ago, I shot the Division 3 NJCAA Women's soccer finals....or, at least some of it. Scheduling conflicts and nasty weather didn't make the process smooth, but we got the job done. Day one, I was able to shoot on a nice beautiful turn at Anne Arundel Community College. I had some space to go up in the stand for a different perspective and everything. The only problem that occurred was that the sun couldn't make up it's mind if it wanted to come out of not. I actually shot aperture priority ::gasp:: for the majority of the day.

The next day I shot......they played on the field that they were originally supposed to play all the games on. Now, I'm sure this new field is nice and good to play on when everything is perfect, but it wasn't. It monsooned a few days before this game and the field still hadn't drained completely and it some spots, at all! Definitely made for some cool shots with the mud and whatnot, but there weren't any face first flops or anything like that. Bummer. Nevertheless.....my job always beats working. Check out the images captured (and don't whine about how many there are!).

P.S. - Some of these images are in desperate need of captions. Feel free to give the image number and caption (hopefully humorous). Start with #11, the mirror image #34, or my favorite #47.

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