Monday, October 25, 2010

More football! It's that time of year.

High school football is frustrating to shoot. Most of the time you're begging for just one more stop of light.....but....that's asking a lot. Sometimes you get what Sparrows Point pulled. The rental lights. Usually a good 20 feet or so lower than a regular light setup, which creates a wonderful flare in 90% of the possible shooting angles. And, uneven lighting. And, uneven cycling between the different lights. There was about a 3 stop difference between the two 40 yard lines (facing different ways, but still). And, if you were at peace with the shooting conditions, there's always the smell and noise that accompanies those amazing lights. Good times.

Still got some interesting photos. Most of them came before the game or on the sidelines though! The game was delayed about 45 minutes due to the girls soccer game before it, so the football team warmed up in the darkness behind the field. Some light sneaked through and made me kinda happy though. Check 'em out!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. In some of those it looks like you're spot lighting it. Way to find the WB through the cycles. And to see past the field.
